There have been times along the path where books, teachers, and friends have talked about some part of the Craft being dangerous. (And yes, I have seen someone have a psychotic break, not pretty.) But did that really come from dabbling in magick or was it something that was going to happen to them anyway?
I have seen and experienced things that have blown my mind, shifted my beliefs, changed the way I look at the world, left me shocked and amazing, left me without logical explanation, and given me the heebie-jeebies, but never have I, ever, felt like I was in danger.
This has led me to thinking about the dangers of the Craft. Are there really any?
If I am totally honest it kinda excites me. I mean, if there wasn't something spooky and potentially dangerous out there, maybe I wouldn't be as into all of this as much as I am.
That afternoon, when my mom told me not to mess with things I didn't understand, she didn't scare me away. Instead her words filled me with a desire to understand more. It encouraged me to want to learn as much as I could and continue to dive into the things that scared me, both out there in the world and hiding in my own inner shadows.
Overall I suppose that is a good thing.
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