Monday, February 21, 2011

My Pantheacon Thoughts

I am a witch that currently practices in the Reclaiming Tradition. This is not the only Pagan tradition that I have studied under, but it is where I am now. There are a lot of things that I love about Reclaiming, but there are also some things that make me feel a little crazy about Reclaiming.

In fact, Reclaiming was my first Witchy love. As a teenager in the Bay Area I had easy access to Reclaiming on a public level. This helped to shape me into the Pagan that I am. There weren't any other groups, at the time, doing what they were doing.

The more I get involved and immersed into the Reclaiming culture the more insular I start to feel. I am starting to learn the intricate connections, ties, and relationships that go back in my community, sometimes 30 years. This is beautiful, amazing, and frustrating.

Since I am so involved in my community I tend to forget that there are other Pagans and Witches out there. And many of these groups don't do anything remotely like what Reclaiming does. Pantheacon is the perfect place for me to get a much needed reality check. There are more styles of Paganism than I am even aware of. Pantheacon helps me to see some of the amazing styles of worship that are out there and appreciate my own home tradition.

At Pantheacon this year I had the pleasure to meet Jhenah Telyndru the founder and Morgen of the Sisterhood of Avalon. The SOA is an organization that I have cyber-stalked for years. I was also able to participate in a Rite to Lilith put on by the Amazon Priestess Tribe where I was reminded about the inherent power of women. And I was schooled by amazing Priestesses like Luisah Teish, Leilani Birely, Orion Foxwood, and of course Starhawk.

This was all topped off by a reminder of why I am part of the Reclaiming Tradition. This was done by my participation in a Reclaiming ritual at Pantheacon. I am really proud of the work my group did to prepare a ritual for the people of Pantheacon which represented Reclaiming. It was my first time being a presenter at the Con and I feel honored and humbled to have been a part of such an amazing listing of presenters and panel members.

Being back at home is hard. Although I am happy to sleep in my own bed and shower in my own shower, I long for the special connection I had with everyone I walked past at the Con. As a Pagan I see my connection to every person, Pagan or not, but there is something special about filling a hotel convention center with Pagans, Witches, Wizards, Asatru, Orishas, Celts, Stregans, Egyptians, and on and on and on.

So there are my Pantheacon thoughts, until next time, my heartfelt thanks.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


It has been a long time since I have written a blog post. Too long really, but you know how it is...sometimes I just don't think I have anything interesting to say. And on the rare occasion when I think I am totally awesome and all of my opinions will change the world, I get distracted by my greatness and don't even remember that I have this little blog at all. *Ahem* Good thing those moments are few and far between.

I'm not really sure what got me thinking about writing this today, but here I am typing out my thoughts as they fly through my over-rattled brain. This oughtta be interesting...

One thing that keeps coming up for me is perspective and the perspective of hind-sight. Why can't we have hind-sight before something happens, right?! I mean, so many things in my life would have been much simpler if only I could have seen what was going to happen after the fact.

Hind-sight allows you to look back and see how you came to the place you are. Often (at least for me) hind-sight helps it all make sense. You know what I mean, right? Like, "Oh, I didn't understand how buying a pink tutu and having chili for lunch would coincide with the neighbor mowing the lawn and my athlete's foot, but now it all makes sense!" (I don't really have athlete's foot, in case you were worried.)

Hind-sight is like, well, fucking awesome.

I have noticed lately my desire to get to the end of something without going through the process of getting there. I guess it is part of our instant gratification culture. I want what I want now and I don't want to bother with the process. But all of a sudden I really appreciate the process. I really see the value of going through the steps to get where I want to go. Not only are the steps there for a reason, but taking those steps will help me be better/stronger at whatever it is I am trying to accomplish.

This new found perspective is, in a word, awesome (did I mention that already?). I am enjoying it. Maybe this is part of getting older? I don't know, but I am happy with the shift and intrigued to see what other things will shift for me.